
Our December 3rd workshop on winter trail safety was good but wasn't as well attended as we would have liked due to a variety of reasons. Here you will find a new version of the workshop, some helpful resources and web links, and the original blog posts about the workshop.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Small World--Bob Speik To Be Workshop Presenter

I've known Bob Speik for many years.  We first met here at Pilot Butte while Carol and I were hosts. Or so I thought!  I was talking with him a few days ago and he mentioned that he used to be an instructor for the Sierra Club's famed Basic Mountaineering Training Course (BMTC) in Southern California. I told him that I took that course in Torrance, CA, over 35 years ago.  You guessed it. Bob was one of the instructors. Small world, huh?

Bob has been active in the mountaineering community in Oregon for many years.  Just about everyone knows about his massive website which he updates regularly.  CLICK HERE to see his Traditional Mountaineering site.  When we were getting ready to do this workshop, I emailed Bob to see if he knew of a great instructor.  I thought he was retired.  He called me about minute later and said he'd do it.  I was thrilled because I really didn't expect to get someone with his resume and background for a basic workshop like this.  The amazing thing is he is thrilled to do it too.  He even went out and contacted many business people he knows trying to get them to help us out.  He also has a special place in his heart for Pilot Butte.  I've known about that for a long time.  Sometimes things just click into place and this is definitely one of those times.

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